I have a PhD in Experimental Linguistics from Stockholm University. I am currently working as a post-doctoral researcher at the Department of Philosophy, Linguistics and Theory of Science at the University of Gothenburg.
My research concerns the development of pragmatic competence and its connection to other linguistic abilities. In general terms, I'm interested in how people learn to use their first language.
Pragmatic competence is a general term for a wide set of different abilities, e.g. providing sufficient information, avoiding irrelevant information, making inferences based on what others say, being timely in conversation, etc.
When a language user utilizes their pragmatic competence, they are acting in agreement with a set of asumptions about how one can, and should, communicate.
On the 8th of August, my book Barnet och språket (The child and the language) was released. The book is in Swedish and it is an attempt to tell a more digestible story of first language development, aimed at the general public at large. The book is published by Ordfront förlag.
You can get a copy from wherever books are sold, e.g. here.
Here follows a list of ongoing work in different stages of complesion.
- Pagmar, D. Arvidsson, C., Almeida, R., & Sayeed, A. (in prep.). Neurological Differences between Lexical and Quantifier Scope Ambiguity.
- Pagmar, D. & Sayeed, A. (in prep.). Context Enabled Resolution of Quantifier Scope Ambiguity.
- Pagmar, D., Gerholm, T., Hörberg, T., & Dahl, Ö. (in prep). Growth of early productive vocabulary informs later languge ability but not later language use.
Here follows a list of completed books, papers and presentations.
- Pagmar. D. (2024). Barnet och språket. Ordfront förlag.
- Pagmar. D. (2023). The Development of Conversational Contingency and Selected Pragmatic Abilities. PhD Thesis. Stockholm University.
- Pagmar, D., Arvidsson, C., Nilsson Gerholm, T., & Uddén, J. (2023). Conversations between ages five and seven – Connections to executive functions and implicature comprehension. Glossa Psycholinguistics, 2(1). http://dx.doi.org/10.5070/G6011132
- Pagmar, D., Abbot-Smith, K., & Matthews, D. (2022) Predictors of children’s conversational con- tingency. Language Development Research, 2(1), 139–179. https://doi.org/10.34842/2022-511d
- Arvidsson, C., Pagmar, D., & Uddén, J. (2022). When did you stop speaking to yourself? Age-related differences in adolescents’ world knowledge-based audience design. Royal Society Open Science, 9(11), 220305.
- Pagmar, D., Abbot-Smith, K., & Matthews, D. (2021a, July). Conversational contingency and its relationship to other developmental features during first language acquisition. Presented at the 17th International Pragmatics Conference.
Pagmar, D., Abbot-Smith, K., & Matthews, D. (2021b, July 29). Predictors of children’s conversational contingency. https://doi.org/10.17605/OSF.IO/AH23M
- Pagmar, D. (2019). Evaluating Models of Pragmatic Developmen. Child Language Symposium 2019. Sheffield, United Kingdom. 10-12 July 2019.
- Pagmar, D. (2017). Expressions of certainty in Swedish parent-child interaction. Workshop: Empirical and theoretical perspectives on epistemicity in language. Helsinki, Finland, 18-19 April 2017.
- Gerholm, T. & Pagmar, D. (2017). Correlations between multimodal patterns in Swedish parent-child interaction and first language acquisition: studies of tactile, gestural, and vocal behavior. The 15th International Pragmatics Conference (IPrA2017), Belfast. Northern Ireland, 16-21 July 2017.
- Pagmar, D. (2017). Features of Illocutionary Speech Acts in Swedish Parent-Child Interaction. Postersession. The 15th International Pragmatics Conference (IPrA2017), Belfast. Northern Ireland, 16-21 July 2017.
- Marklund, E., Pagmar, D., Gerholm, T. & Gustavsson, L. (2017). Computational simulations of temporal vocalization behavior in adult-child interaction. Proceedings of Interspeech 2017, pp. 2208-2212. Interspeech 2017: Situated Interaction, Stockholm, Sweden, August 20-24. DOI: 10.21437/Interspeech.2017-1289.
- Gerholm, T. & Pagmar, D., (2016). The Swedish MINT-Project: Modeling infant language acquisition from parent-child interaction, Cognitive Science, Philadelphia, August 2016.
- Gerholm, T., Gustavsson, L., Pagmar, D., Marklund, E., Marklund, U., & Schwarz, I.-C. (2016). The role of parent input as measured by LENA within the MINT project Paper presented at the 1st Nordic LENA Meeting, Stockholm, Sweden.
- Gerholm, T. & Pagmar, D., 2016. The MINT-project - Modeling infant language acquisition from parent-child interaction: Some results. Multimodal Multilingual Outcomes in Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing Children, Stockholm, June 13-15, 2016.
On the fifth of May 2023, I defended my doctoral thesis, The Development of Conversational Contingency. The thesis can be accessed through the publication portal DiVA here. An errata for the thesis is avalible here.